How to apply earnings-related allowance
Register as a jobseeker with the employment authority on your first day of unemployment at the latest. Based on your registration, the employment authority gives a labour policy statement to the fund. To get daily allowances, your job search must be active. This applies to all allowance recipients, whether you are laid off, unemployed or working part-time. You can find more detailed guidance on how to start job searching on the employment authority's website.
Send the fund an earnings-related allowance application and the necessary attachments two weeks after unemployment has started. You can complete and send your application in our e-services.
You can find instructions for completing an online application here.
If you do not have all the necessary attachments when you make your application, you can send them later. Attachments can also be sent electronically via e-services. If you send attachments in paper form, they do not have to be originals – copies are enough. If any attachments are missing, we will request them at the latest when your application is processed.
You cannot apply for daily allowances in advance – you always apply retrospectively. Applications must be sent no later than within three months of the first day being applied for.
You can send a renewal application to the fund even if your first application has not yet been processed.
If you want to send your application by mail or as an attachment, you can find printable application forms on the Forms and attachments page
Send paper applications and attachments to:
PAM Unemployment Fund
P.O. Box 93
Attachments needed with a first application:
For your first application you need to send a copy of your employment contract and a copy of lay-off notice if you have been laid off or the notice of termination of employment if your employment relationship has ended
You also need to send a clarification of weekly hours if your working hours vary and your employment contract is for less than 18 hours a week (for example an on-call contract). Send a clarification of weekly working hours that covers the 26 working weeks of at least 18 hours required for the work requirement. This clarification must be signed by your employer.
Send a copy of your last confirmed taxation decision if you have income from business activity or earned income from agriculture, forestry or reindeer husbandry. If this activity has only just started and the tax decision does not contain information on the activity for at least a six-month period, instead of a tax decision send a monthly breakdown of income and expenditure from the business activity from the time the activity started.
You can request a revised tax card for benefits from the Tax Administration. Please remember that a tax percentage given for wage income is increased to 25 per cent for unemployment allowance payments.
The unemployment fund generally gets wage information from the Incomes Register. If we do not get all the information needed, we will ask for additional information
Attachments needed for renewal applications:
Usually no attachments are needed for a renewal application. However, always inform the unemployment fund if there are any changes in your situation. If you have wage income in an application period, we get the wage information from the Incomes Register. If wages paid during an application period include sick pay or holiday pay, it is advisable to send your pay slip. If you start a job, always send the fund a copy of your employment contract. If further clarifications are needed, we will request these when we process your application.
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