
Useful Links

E-services of employment authority

In the E-services of employment authority, you can take care of official matters such as registering as a job seeker, notifying officials of changes in your work situation or applying for a start-up grant. The pages are available only in Finnish and Swedish.

The Federation of Unemployment Funds in Finland (TYJ)

The Federation of Unemployment Funds in Finland (TYJ) promotes interests of its 16 member unemployment funds, works to develop unemployment security and seeks to strengthen the operation and knowhow of the funds. Their website has information about earnings-related unemployment allowance and applying for the allowance. They also have various application forms and benefit guides.

Financial and debt counselling

Financial and debt counselling helps you when you are worried about your financial situation. They give you advise everyday financial issues and they also have debt counselling services. All of their services are free of charge.

The Finnish National Organization of the Unemployed

The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed is an advocacy organisation for the unemployed. It defends peoples’ economic, social and physical rights for equal citizenship. The Finnish National Organisation of the Unemployed has 71 member organisations across Finland that provide information, activities and support to unemployed people.

Incomes Register

The Incomes Register is an electronic database to which data about paid wages, pensions and benefits is reported. You can view your own data in the Income Register’s e-services.

Job Market Finland

Job Market Finland has information that supports you in your career. You can also browse open positions and create a job applicant profile to get personalized suggestions for available jobs.


Kela is the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. It provides social security coverage for Finnish residents through different stages of their lives. On their website you can find different appliation forms for applying benefits. Kela's online service OmaKela can also be found on their website.


On the Kuntarekry website you can find listed thousands of jobs from all over Finland. In addition, there is a lot of information about applying for a job and working in the municipal sector or wellbeing services counties. Most job advertisements and application forms are available only in Finnish or Swedish.


Ohjaamo is a One-Stop Guidance Center for under 30-year-olds. It offers free assistance and support for various purposes from studying and employment to housing and everything in between.

Service Union United PAM

Service Union United PAM is a trade union for people working in private service sectors. The majority of PAM’s over 190 000 members work in retail trade, property services, security services as well as tourism, restaurant and leisure services. PAM negotiates collective agreements for service sectors and safeguards its members’ interests at workplaces. Unemployment Fund membership is included in PAM Union's mmbership.

PAM Training

PAM's training pages has information about webinars and other training for members, staff representatives and supervisors. PAM has a wide range of training options in areas ranging from collective agreements to media studies. Training organised by PAM is free for its members.

SAK ry

SAK is a confederation of 18 trade unions in industry, the public sector, transport, private services and culture. SAK is the largest labour market organisation in Finland. As a movement for social reform, SAK also influences political policymaking and public opinion. Their website offers a lot of information about working life and social issues.